Wednesday 5 October 2016

Refresher Training Programme for NSS Programme Officers

RGNIYD RC Chandigarh is being organizing a ‘7 Day Refresher Training Programme for NSS Programme Officers’ from Chandigarh and Haryana. At the inaugural of the programme Staff is a critical ingredient for quality youth-serving organizations. 
Programmes often attribute their success to effective youth workers, and research shows that professional development can enhance the skills of both new and longtime employees. The training of youth workers is critical because it develops sigfluence in youth workers so as they can develop meaningful relationships with young people that support their successful transition to adulthood and careers. Research demonstrates that trained youth workers are better equipped to meet the divergent needs of youth. In light of the crucial link between young people’s experience in programmes and the skills and knowledge programme staff need to support youth workers, a growing movement has emerged to build some consensus about a set of core skills that all youth development workers should possess. 
The RGNIYD defines core competencies as the knowledge, skills, and personal attributes of youth development workers, and the “demonstrated capacities” that allow a youth work professionals to be a resource to youth, NSS, and communities. The goal of the programme is to produce high performing NSS Programme Officers with motivation, commitment, knowledge and skills as change agents, facilitator, mentor and catalyst to transform youth development to youth-led development through NSS Programmes.

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